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10/09/2020 - United Kingdom
Farewell, Marina!
On 8th September, a word went around Walsingham that there was sad news afloat. The news was the ‘Departure of Marina‘! But it was not going to be a sad departure but a transfer from Walsingham to our Marist Mission in Birmingham.’ The joy of Mary has to be spread - that is the message of Our Lady of Walsingham. The Joy of Mary speaks of ‘God – with - us’ . This is the message which Marina will take with her. She will both live it and spread it wherever she goes among God’s people. The Birth of Mary heralded the beginning of a New Creation in the Birth of Jesus. Marina had just completed her third re-cycle in Walsingham. She will miss it all the more, and in her own words she cherishes the hope of a ‘fourth’! But the important thing is to take Walsingham with you wherever you go!
as you speed your way towards new pasture fields and Marist Mission.
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