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In spite of COVID-19, WE CELEBRATE!

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02/09/2020 -

 Celebrating in August!

In England, on 22 August Sister Dympna Kelly celebrated 75 years of Profession.
In Fiji, Jubilee celebrations took place on 29th - for Sister Margaret Sharma (60 years professed on 9th January) and Sister Marlene Giblin (50 years professed on 15 January).
In France, Sister Christiane Magnetto celebrated 50 years of Profession on 31st and received a carving of the "listening monk".
In Ireland, Sisters Bernadette Healy, Kathleen Gilligan and Mary T. Duffy marked their Golden Jubilee of Profession on 22nd. Also remembered was the 60th anniversary of the founding of Sundrive Rd Marist Convent and School - six of the foundresses were present: Sisters Anne, Catherine, Brendan, Aideen, Francis and Leo.

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