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12/08/2020 - Ireland
"Lockdown" 2020 A.D.
President Michael D. Higgins does not approve of the use of the word "cocoon". He does not like it at all. He blames the U.S.A. for its application to human beings. It belongs to the world of insects. He is overwhelmed by the unsung service and dedication of so many carers and service providers which has come to notice because of this epidemic. He believes that they are not properly appreciated or compensated. They have always been there making life possible for everyone. It is easy to miss the point that this has been the Christian ethic for over two thousand years. "Truly I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it to me." This is the crucial judgement----the treatment of others.
We have come to realize the meaning of the word "cocoon" It does not rest easily with modern people. The cloister does not suit modern life. Long ago it was not such a change to move into the cloister because people did not go out very much. The restrictions imposed upon us as a result of the spread of coronavirus have impacted on young and old alike. Modern people do not settle for indoor life. They are used to being out and about, to foreign travel, to exploration and discovery. The medical authorities called it isolation. People have found all this very difficult and look forward to the easing of the lockdown.
Here in Sundrive Road we have been bound by enclosure. We have found ways of coping with the situation. Some of the Sisters have been very busy on "zoom" as they carried out their ministries on line. For others there was great time for reading and reflection. We were able to join in the Mass every day through the media. Apart from this we had crosswords and jigsaws which were challenging.
Our greatest regret was the complete prohibition on visiting the sick and infirm in hospital and care facility. We could only hear of them by phone. By degrees this is about to be changed but the cloud remains. This virus is tough and insidious and remains a danger. It is liable to break out again at any time. We just must submit to the many restrictions that will be part of future living....
"The Lord will guard you from evil,
he will guard your soul
The Lord will guard your going and coming
Both now and forever."
Psalm 120
Sr Alvarez Kelly
51 visits
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